
COnsultation Services

Announcement for all Independent Music Artists -We are very proud to announce We are now offering unbelievably affordable Custom Services of Liner Notes, Bios, Press kits, Album Project Coordination, including barcode and ISRC number and customized media ready comments for your own INDEPENDENT release available through our office includes song licensing, bios, epk press kits, quotes, customized media comments and more.

Inquire at [email protected]. Our company offers in-house custom consultations, research, and specialized licensing.

Our clients include hundreds of well-known artist’s (names confidential), unknown artists and writers. We offer independent album project coordination, turnkey publishing set-up for independent labels, individuals and motion picture companies. We handle clearances, licensing, music supervision, specialized research, all types of copyright drafting, co-author and second party mediations. We assist and advise in royalty recovery, career direction and publishing administration. We offer copyright and research work, song registrations and complete label set up for indy artists cd projects, always affordable and fast. All services performed with unbiased compassion, caring and great service. For more information on our consultation services [email protected]